Having my work re-edit
First off, I'm not a fan of people re-editing my images. Because all complete edits I feel are my style and how the image should look.
But I do have some exceptions for someone to edit or re-edit my work. One is sending it to a retoucher and, the other is if it's a client and they pay for the images.
But hey, I get it. People with all the image editing app out today. Why not play with them and see what you can come out with. But add yourself as the re-editor of the image you post on social media. This way people know it's not the photographer's original work. Because pubic images are a way for photographers to get new clients. Your re-edit will give the client a miss perception of the type of work the photographer do.
So, remember when you re-edit an image, it is now your art and not the photographers.
The image below was re-edit by me. It’s just to have an example.
Before and After