Editing images with lightroom's new features
Aliana is a super unique supermodel for 2022. She has a fantastic look and attitude to grace any photoshoot she does. Her style to me is elegant, classy with an urban touch. I met Aliana at a car shoot I did last year and invited fellow photographer Charles with models to come to this shoot. At the time, her posing was a little rough, but she had the potential to be a fantastic model. So I ask to work with her again at my studio in Chicago. By the time we scheduled and shot at the studio, lol. she had perfected her style, and she killed it at the shoot. Haha, she had the hair and makeup Karla so excited, she was yelling at my computer monitor at the image that came up. Oh, shit, came you look at this; her images look so amazing.
Ok, I was excited to get home to edit the images from the shoot in lightroom with the new features that were added at the time. The new feature allows you much more creative control in working with your images. That was one of the things in lightroom in the past that made me unhappy with lightroom. Not having creative control of certain areas of the images you wanted to control. Now with the new features, I'm having a blast.